I can't figure it out. I googled it and came up with: go to edit, select size and I went What? that's why I liked Picture It, I'd go to the menu bar and select the tool to do it with, but this thing with Irfanview?? It may turn out to be simple, but right now I can't figure it out
#4. "RE: Croping a photo in irfanview" In response to nightlyreader (Reply # 1) Thu Sep-07-23 12:53 AM by Paul D
QUOTE: Load a picture. Use mouse to draw area to cut or crop. Edit menu. Crop selection.
Same but quicker
Load a picture. Use mouse to draw area to cut or crop. Ctrl-Y (to crop selection) Ctrl-S (to save result - change name if you want to keep the original and the cropped copy)