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Subject: "Virus" Previous topic | Next topic
allstondaveFri Nov-19-21 11:49 PM
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Sat Nov-20-21 12:00 AM by allstondave


I have recently started getting the pop-up. My Avira anti-virus and my Iobit Malware fighter do not catch it.

Any idea where it came from and how do I get rid of it.



Attachment #1, (jpg file)
Attachment #2, (jpg file)


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Replies to this topic
Subject Author Message Date ID
RE: Virus
Nov 20th 2021
RE: Virus
Nov 20th 2021
RE: Virus
Nov 20th 2021
RE: Virus
Nov 21st 2021
RE: Virus
Nov 22nd 2021
      RE: Virus
Nov 22nd 2021

TtechSat Nov-20-21 12:19 AM
Member since Aug 06th 2002
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#1. "RE: Virus"
In response to allstondave (Reply # 0)



That is actually a notification/advertisement coming through Google Chrome. Click on Start - Settings - System - Notifications & Actions. Scroll down to find Google Chrome and turn off notifications.

Then you should also scan with ADW Cleaner.

And then check for any junk extensions in Chrome.
- In Chrome click on the 3 dots in the upper right corner.
- In the menu that pops up click Settings near the bottom.
- In the column on the left click Extensions.
- You can leave the Chrome Apps, anything else that you don't recognize is suspect and probably should be removed.

Behind every good computer... is a jumble of wires 'n stuff.


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allstondaveSat Nov-20-21 01:09 AM
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#2. "RE: Virus"
In response to Ttech (Reply # 1)



Turning off notifications in Google worked.



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allstondaveSat Nov-20-21 01:10 AM
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#3. "RE: Virus"
In response to Ttech (Reply # 1)


Turning off notifications in Google worked



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allstondaveSun Nov-21-21 05:41 AM
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#4. "RE: Virus"
In response to allstondave (Reply # 3)


I guess traffic to this site has has lessened as we have all gotten more computer savvy.

Thanks for still being here.

You saved my life!



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therubeMon Nov-22-21 07:41 PM
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#5. "RE: Virus"
In response to Ttech (Reply # 1)



Click on Start - Settings - System - Notifications & Actions. Scroll down to find Google Chrome and turn off notifications.

So that is a "feature" of Win10?

That is actually a notification/advertisement coming through Google Chrome.

So you're saying a (potentially) malicious ad (or similar).
And by default (Win10) allows for it to be displayed (like many other nonsense) popups that one may see?

Then you should also scan with ADW Cleaner.

So there is potentially some actual exploit.

As in simply quelling the message does not mean that all is (necessarily) OK.

Note the (what appears to be a) site name in the message.

BANK OF AMERICA.COM ONLINE BANKING SUCKS IN THE HUGEST WAY IMAGINABLE's new image gallery layout sucks in the hugest way imaginable too !
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TtechMon Nov-22-21 10:11 PM
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#6. "RE: Virus"
In response to therube (Reply # 5)



Yup! That's the way it is. There's all kinds of danger lurking out on the internet and quite a bit of it is allowed by our operating systems and browsers.

Behind every good computer... is a jumble of wires 'n stuff.


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