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Subject: "Hoping someone can help with this." Previous topic | Next topic
kittenmuellerFri Nov-12-21 04:58 PM
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"Hoping someone can help with this."


I have changed out about 4 new hard drives, and done clean installs with no issues at all.I do now know what i am doing wrong. This is a 2014 HP all in one. I am putting a SSD drive in. I have win 10 on USB. This is the point it gets to and says cannot download, check media. with a code. I have changed boot to USB. Usb is fat 32. Using uefi now legacy. I KNOW it works as i have done it so many times easily. I tried to download what it says, but too big. it shows sdd with unallocated , the box to do next. only think can click is NEW, so i do that then is says cannot install.

"kitten with a mean streak"


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TtechSun Nov-14-21 02:08 PM
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#1. "RE: Hoping someone can help with this."
In response to kittenmueller (Reply # 0)



Try connecting the SSD to a computer that already has Windows installed and working. Format the SSD, then put it back in the original computer and see if you can install Windows.

Behind every good computer... is a jumble of wires 'n stuff.


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therubeMon Nov-15-21 05:13 PM
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#2. "RE: Hoping someone can help with this."
In response to kittenmueller (Reply # 0)
Mon Nov-15-21 05:13 PM by therube



HP all in one. ... I have win 10 on USB.

Is this a retail version of 10 or an HP version (that should automatically activate, on seeing the HP BIOS)?

This is the point it gets to and says cannot download, check media. with a code.

What says this, the Win10 setup.exe?
What can it not download?
What is the code?

I tried to download what it says, but too big. it shows sdd with unallocated

Again, what is it wanting to download?
Too big to what? To fit on the flash drive?

I would think the Win10 setup, so long as it sees the SSD, should be able to partition/format the drive on its' own, so it being unallocated should not be an issue.

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