ZoneAlarm update [View all] Just received a notice from ZoneAlarm for an update.
http://ww r_files/13628.jpg
http://www.pcqanda. com/dcforum/User_fil es/3d
ZoneAlarm system tray icon [View all] For some strange reason, my ZA (latest free version) system try icon has disappeared and I cannot get to re-appear. I tried re-booting, but it still
ZoneAlarm still pushing verion 5 [View all] A couple hours ago I uninstalled ZoneAlarm 5 and reinstalled 4.5.594.00. My e-mail is again being scanned by Norton Anti Virus.
Shortly after, I rec
ZoneAlarm Security Suite shuting down [View all] Win Xp Home takes a long time to shut down.If I shut down
ZoneAlrrm first,windows shuts down faster.How can I correct
this?Thank you for your help.e
ZoneAlarm Security Suite rebate problem. [View all] CompUSA has this product available this week for free, using the usual competitive product upgrade. However, you must have the competitive product ori
ZoneAlarm Security Suite [View all]
I have XP Home and Mozilla 1.7 on an HP Pavilion dv4000 laptop. I'm currently using ZoneAlarm Free and Norton Antivirus 2005 which expires in a fe
ZoneAlarm quiets bells [View all] ZoneAlarm quiets bells
By Mike Kemp
Posted: 08/07/2003 at 06:56 GMT
A vulnerability in ZoneLab's freeware version of ZoneAlarm firewall will be p
ZoneAlarm Questions [View all] Installed free ZoneAlarm. On booting a new window opens w/ a folder named Zone Deluxe Games. I don't want the new folder or window. How do I get rid o
ZoneAlarm Question? [View all] ZoneAlarm tells me that I have an update coming, but when I click on the "check for update" button, another window pops up, and asks whether I want to
zonealarm question [View all] hello
I have recently installed the free version of zonealarm,and pop up boxes appear aksing me to tick a checkbox so it will remember next time whic
Zonealarm Question [View all] How do I Block http://www.myspace.c om in ZoneAlarm?
I couldn't seem to get ie7 restricted sites to work blocking this url.
DNS Lookup Results
ZoneAlarm problem - fixed [View all] Previously ZoneAlarm Pro reverted to the free version after the fifteen day trial. The current one (5.5.094) didn't - it ju
ZoneAlarm problem [View all] Today, one of my friends whose computer I try to maintain, reported that she was unable to access the internet. Outlook Express e-mail was working but
Zonealarm pro3 [View all] I am trying to configure this beast and I had to shut it off to post to pcnineoneone. It keeps saying your privacy settings have interfeared with thi
Zonealarm Pro V4 Beta [View all] I installed Sat AM and have used extensively since. No problems experienced.
Chan ges in Current Version:
Hacker Incident Reporting -- Lets you
ZoneAlarm Pro Problem [View all] Last Friday evening I began getting a different type of
ZoneA rlarm Pro Firewall Alert.
This reflected markedly aggressive attempts to acc
ZoneAlarm Pro Fubar! [View all] It's rather strange how the same configuration of ZAP, in two (2) systems, reacts so very differently in each system, after installing this latest upd
ZoneAlarm Pro 4.5 beta [View all] What's new in ZoneAlarm Pro?
* ID Lock - Keeps your confidential, personal information private
from ID thieves and Internet predators
* Open Proc
ZoneAlarm Pro 3.5 Released [View all] Remove "load Zone Alarm Pro at Startup" checkmark and reboot. Uninstall ZA and reboot. Install new version. The license key is retained and no need to
ZoneAlarm Pro 2.6.84 [View all] Hey,
I recently re-formatted my system and installed the latest version of ZoneAlarm. I realized that it would not handle KaZaA for filesharing purpo
ZoneAlarm Pro [View all] Does Zone Labs allow life time upgrades for ZoneAlarm Pro or do you need to purchase the new version each time it comes out? I took a look at Zone Lab
Zonealarm Pro [View all] Any way to stop that pesky "Zonealarm is about to Expire" window
what pops up ever time the computer is booted.
Other than buying another update.
ZoneAlarm PLUS! 3.1.258 Beta [View all] Looks like they're working on a new version, a cross between Free and Pro without the privacy features. See reviews and download if you like. Not so g