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Topic subjectRE: Intelligent design scores victory over evolution
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99147, RE: Intelligent design scores victory over evolution
Posted by SteveYandl, Fri Nov-11-05 07:15 PM
Here is a question for your friends who insist that you accept all parts of the Bible as true (word for word).
Who was the father of Joseph? First have them check Matthew 1: 2-17 and then check Luke 3: 23-38. Whether a Christian believes in virgin birth or not, the person Joseph was his legal father and important to establish that the messiah was in the line of David; you would think the stories would match up.

Mainstream Christians have reasonable explanations for the many inconsistencies in the Bible. Fundamentalist Christians, like fundamentalists in other religions are forced to argue absurdities because they insist that their sacred texts are infallible historical documents. If Intelligent Design proponents faced the prospect that their religious texts would be put under the same type of scrutiny we ask students to apply to scientific papers and texts, they might retreat from their desire to have their philosophy treated as science. I wouldn't care if they taught Intelligent Design in school as long as they teach it as philosophy rather than science.