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Topic subjectRE: Intelligent design scores victory over evolution
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99107, RE: Intelligent design scores victory over evolution
Posted by fvee, Fri Nov-11-05 03:00 AM
>Noun: gnome
>1. A legendary creature resembling a tiny old man; lives in
>the depths of the earth and guards buried treasure
>2. A short pithy saying expressing a general truth
>Noun: genome
>1. The ordering of genes in a haploid set of chromosomes of a
>particular organism; the full DNA sequence of an organism
>Anyway, we all knew what he meant.

Thank you for correcting me on the usage of the words gnome and genome.

I guess I am human, like most of God's Creatures.

Getting back to the topic: Pat Robertson has today told the town of Dover Pennsylvania not to look to God for help if they are victim to a natural or unnatural disaster. He suggested that they pray to Charles Darwin instead. It seems that the voters of Dover threw out all 8 Republicans on the 9 man school board who had voted Intelligent Design into the school system curriculum in a straight party line vote.,1280,-5407711,00.html

The mentality of the leadership of the (UN)Christian (NEVER)Right Political Movement never ceases to amaze me.

I'm FreddieVee-Learning all the Time!!