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Topic subjectRE: Homosexual Marriage
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9568, RE: Homosexual Marriage
Posted by freespirit, Fri Dec-20-02 10:00 AM
>AIDS is a serious disease and the link between the two is a
>well documented..agree or not? and by engaging in such a
>relationship, you are depriving the earth of a would be
>nice, healthy individual, hopefully.

Hey, I'm with DM. Aids has ravaged Africa and has spread among heterosexuals.
When you speak of "depriving", it sounds like we have a duty that we're neglecting, if we don't have kids. I don't have kids because I don't want any, and I'm straight. Napolean, there are so many unwanted children in the world. If fewer are brought into this world, for any reason, it won't be any great loss, and for the enviornment, it will be good.