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Forum nameOff-Topic Lounge
Topic subjectRE: Homosexual Marriage
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9538, RE: Homosexual Marriage
Posted by mlangdn, Fri Dec-20-02 07:30 AM
It is for me, as well as for us all, to condone or not anything we take a stand for or against. Please remember, this is how we as a society develop a value system. Any value system is in a constant state of flux. Communism fell because of this flux, and a lot of people felt this was a good system in the beginning. Hunting may well one day be gone, and not just because we are running out of land. You are correct - I do hunt. However, this year I passed on three shots. I am not a trophy hunter. I actually like to eat what I hunt. This year, I just did not have the desire, even though I thoroughly enjoyed my two weekends in the woods. You are also correct in that lust applies to us all, which is what I meant. I just did not explain that too well. This was my first post in this forum, and will be my last for awhile. I was not ready for the beating I took. I will be more careful next time.
