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Topic subjectRE: A Presidential Resume
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67536, RE: A Presidential Resume
Posted by Ian, Wed Aug-11-04 08:36 PM
>>Nice reply Al. Unfortunately people who run on instinct
>>instead of fact wouln't believe a word of the truth in
>>statement. If they did, there wouldn't be such a toss up
>>the clear choice of who should be the next (Re-elected)
>Since Al's response was to me, I can only assume you are also
>referring to me.
>Who the hell are you to judge if I run on instinct or
>anything else? You know absolutely nothing about me! I
>suspect I know a whole hell of a lot more about politics than
>you, having run for office myself, as a Republican, having
>been asked to run for state senate as a Republican in another
>state, and having certificates of appreciation on my wall from
>the National Republican Committee.
>I also suspect that you could not tell truth from fiction if
>your life depended on it. Your only criterion is if something
>happens to reinforce your own little prejudices and beliefs.
>I have known Al for going on ten years, and have enough
>respect for him, and his usual good judgment, to be willing to
>argue with him when we disagree. We have both served
>honorably in the defense of this country we love. You, on the
>other hand, are worth no more of my time.

It comes as no surprise Shelly, to find this out about you. A clear and precise, alert mind if ever there was.

Life is like a chess board with two sides, one white the other black.

Truth on the one side and deceit on the other.