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Topic subjectRE: Mujahadeen moving into Iraq
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27314, RE: Mujahadeen moving into Iraq
Posted by EdGreene, Sun Mar-30-03 04:53 AM
>Yep, but he understood war. Unlike Ed.

Ed understands what he can see. I see us bogging down, just as you do. This is not Vietnam, nor is it Afghanistan. The only thing they have in common is they were, and in the instance of Afghanistan, still is, combat, their only similarity. At the same time, and no matter what you or Junior says, we're bogged down, overextended and in a less than favorable position vis-a-vis their vaunted "war plans". Had we done what Junior and his war planners said we were going to do, we would have overrun the Iraqis and been celebrating in Baghdad. But as you know, the Iraqis had something to say about that. And it seems they will have more to say.

Whatever you say won't change the fact that our forces are stalled. With the exception of small probing units, we've stopped all along a 250 mile march. Surely you can see that?
Or would you infer that what I (and you) and the rest of the world can plainly see is not what is happening? That our forces, stretched out over nearly 300 miles (if you count the units still in Kuwait), aren't stalled, bogged down?
Am I to infer from your statements that the rising body count is not happening? That the Iraqis are not inflicting casualties on us?
It does not take an "expert" to see that for the moment (for the moment at least), our asses are in a sling?

It doesn't take an expert to know we should have had more front line troops in theater like the Generals wanted, before jumping off on what has proven by now to be a risky venture. I can see it, and I know you can. Junior can see it too but he won't wait for the 4th Mech. You go on being the curmudgeon, the obstreperous one, the super patriot waving the flag despite the piled up bodies. That's called myopia Al.
No matter, we'll win and you and Junior can beat in your chests like crazed Tarzans if you want. That won't change the fact we should have waited.

But then, Junior couldn't wait, seeing as how he has a presidency to win and late December or early January would have been inconvenient to his campaign plans.

Junior is the one playing loose with the lives of our troops, not Ed.