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Topic subjectSad News About Shelly
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218328, Sad News About Shelly
Posted by jasonlevine, Sun Mar-03-19 02:31 AM
PeterB posted in the Concerning Shelly thread the sad news that Shelly has passed away. Unfortunately, it looks like it's true.

Shelly and I first "met" (online as we never got to meet in person) back when I was working for Windows Magazine. I ran the Win98 forum and he was one of its prolific posters, helping people who were setting up the new-for-the-time operating system. He continued to be a regular poster when WinMag was shut down and the forum migrated to PC911. And when Alex wanted to give up running PC911, Shelly was one of the ones who convinced me to take up the "forum administrator" mantle again. Without his convincing - and definitely without his help in moderating posts - this forum would never have gotten started, much less survived to this day.

During every fund drive, Shelly could always be counted on to "scare" up some donations. :lol: When someone needed help, chances were always good that Shelly would be one of the first to post a reply. During his years with PCQandA, he racked up an amazing 58,338 posts - more than 2.5 times the next highest poster in terms of number of posts made.

I got to speak with Shelly back in June. At the time, we had noticed his absence and thought the worst. I managed to track down his phone number and called him (apologizing for the intrusion, of course). He sounded weak but said he doing well. He was keeping offline more than he used to which explained his MIA status. Sadly, three months later he passed away.

Here are some obituaries for Shelly:!/TributeWall

Feel free to leave your respects and Shelly stories below.