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Topic subjectRE: Tort reform
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11804, RE: Tort reform
Posted by ylen13, Wed Jan-08-03 12:10 PM
>Here is the concept. I drove a 1970 Ford Maverick that had
>both front wheels turned at 45 degree angles opposite of
>each other due to the fact that the friggin tie rods were
>dead as was most of the rest of the front end assembly.
>Now, Ford didn't state in their manual a 'specific' OOPS
>(like the one in that article) that said if I drove blah
>blah ways it would be dangerous as it was up to ME THE
>DRIVER AND OWNER OF SAID VEHICLE to figure it out. Why are
>people so pathetic that they can no longer accept
>responsibility for their actions? . You see, in no
>uncertain terms, if you use an object in a manner that could
>cause harm, after being forwarned, than you and only you are
>responsible. Case in point; A bridge has a sign saying
>clearly that if you get too close to the edge physical harm
>may occur and the builder in no way assumes responsibility
>for your not taking heed of their warning but you decide to
>do the deed and stand on the edge, you fall. Personally I
>hope you die you idiot and so do the rest of us who have to
>pay the price of raised insurance premiums, et al. Now,
>getting back to the Bronco. If the dumb@@ss chose to go
>against the warnings and not only buy the vehicle in the
>first place but also drive in an unsafe manner than that
>individual is fully responsible for their own stupidity. As
>a consumer I am tired of the twits suing for things that
>they knew were bad for them and I feel strongly that they
>should be wiped out of existance with the retards that are
>currently threatening the world by means of terrorist BS.
>OOOOOHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!! I spilled coffee on my lap. (But
>the container said it was hot, DUH!)
>If you want to get rich quick I feel for ya. The end
>results may not be what you are expecting.

Welcome to the 21 century. Yes he should have known better but manufacture is also to blame. They were aware of having a problem with a vehicle and refuse to fix till later date. No were dose it say read the manual before u drive the car it may save your life. Allot of people don't have time to read the manual from one to the other end so they can find out what kind of problem is known about this vehicle. When the consumer buys the car they assume that the car is safe to be driven with out having to do anything special.

As for the cup of hot coffee, yes the person should have known but the restaurant should have also known that people may do it and have not made it so hot. Or at least as they did after the fact put warning label to let a person known that the restaurant made the coffee so hot that it may burn them if spilled.