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Topic subjectRE: Rechargeable Batteries
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115140, RE: Rechargeable Batteries
Posted by Bob G, Thu Aug-10-06 05:51 PM
Amondotech is a reputable dealer, but he caters to the hobbyist world, RC and flashlights for instance, so not well known outside that I'd guess. Most of his "TG" chargers are Vantec I think - I have two and they're both Vantec. He's also somewhat leading edge - he has an Eneloop clone for sale now. Lord knows when Sanyo will make them available in the US. Word is that they're trying to figure out shipping (keeping them cool so they can support their "buy them and use them" marketing) without raising price. Also, his AA NiMH batteries are some of the best "consumer" batteries around if holding voltage against highish current is your criteria.