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Topic subjectRE: November Desktops (not pictures)
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75813, RE: November Desktops (not pictures)
Posted by Pauliez, Thu Nov-04-04 08:16 PM
So what’s the big deal? You jealous, or do you really think for one moment a clown like you has the ability to intimidate me or someone like me into only posting according to your screwed up set of ideas. I can post as many times as I want to and it’s none of your business. Do you run this site? NO. But clowns like you like to try to and try to also intimidate others into doing things your way. I know from the real world that I live in that you have found out in life that that has never worked for you. Like I told the other idiot, if you don’t like my post when it comes to desktops, KISS MY ASS or contact the moderators. Who the hell are you to keep score? I really feel sorry for a clown like you. If you have the time to look up how many times I have posted a desktop you need to get out or see your shrink more often. You must be one very lonely individual. You and the other clown remind me of the kind that can screw up a wet dream. You would not believe how many people have e-mailed me commenting on what kind of world you and those like you come from. Stay in your own screwed up world, leave ours.