60956, RE: Retaliation for prisoner abuses Posted by Myk, Thu May-13-04 03:18 PM
Are you that gullible, or is it that you think the rest of us are that gullible?
Explain to me exactly how blowing up the World Trade Center was supposed to achieve getting US military OUT of their country. It seemed to have the exact opposite effect didn't it? The goal is to kill non-believers, that is what Muhammad taught. I don't care how many moderate Muslims claim otherwise, I know the history. Don't think I'm singling out Islam, I also know the history of Christianity and the history of the Jews. I also know the history of the various pantheist religions that were around before them. But there is only one of the world's religion that has declared a world war on religion at this time and that is Islam. "There will still be terrorism because of the Palestine issue, but that is a whole different issue."
And they will continue to find more whole different issues as long as there are other religions left in the world.
It may be a shocker to you but the US does have outside military presence. The UN is here and we have coop programs with other nations. And if we needed help from some insane neighbors, like many of the Arab countries do, we would not hesitate to allow a larger presence.
tdripple is probably right. Just like against Japan, this will probably come down to turning them into a sheet of glass. These people are more fanatical than the Japanese dying for honor. Eventually it's going to come down to the world letting them know that we are willing to help them die for their religion and we are going to do it in wholesale fashion.
It would be nice if the fanatics would get taken care of from within their own religion, but it's obvious that that is not going to happen.