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Topic subjectRE: Retaliation for prisoner abuses
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60948, RE: Retaliation for prisoner abuses
Posted by samikhan1, Thu May-13-04 12:41 PM
>No Carl. I'm not serious....yet. When we lose Detroit or
>Chicago, something I fear is going to happen...then I will be
>serious. But these people are determined to destroy us. They
>will stop at nothing and make no mistake. It is a religious
>war to them. They believe it is their religious duty to kill
>us or convert us. This brand of Islam needs to be eradicated.
> We can't co-exist with it. They will not negotiate, so there
>is no middle ground that I can see.

Actually all they want is to remove American and western Military presense from their country. The problem is that the reason might have changed over the years.
Here is a question, would Americans tolerate foreign military presence in America?