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Topic subjectRE: Will the hatred for America grow?
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28430, RE: Will the hatred for America grow?
Posted by rhbowler, Thu Apr-03-03 03:08 AM
>Yes, because Reagan failed to back a resolution to help the
>Kurds after the gassing incident, he preferred to keep
>helping Saddam. Of course the whole Iran-Contra thing was
>going on at the same time. Sorry, he was not feared by the
>Arabs, he was loved, they got money and arms.

My point was in answering the qustion about was there ever a pres that the people liked, and responded about the way in which Reagan was re elected. As far as your stating that indeed he was not feared, or respected eiher one, by the Arabs, show me the information, the sites, the articles that back your "theory " up. Or is this just your own "inside information"? If you have such an intimate knowledge of the inner thoughts of the Arab world, do tell us where Saddam and Usama are, and we'll end this war post haste.