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Topic subjectRE: A start on common sense on gun control
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217659, RE: A start on common sense on gun control
Posted by Mize, Sat Mar-04-17 03:15 PM
I don't know why this is newsworthy.

California, Florida, Illinois, New York, and South Carolina are 5 states that do not allow open carry by state law along with the District of Columbia.

I don't know why everyone has their panties in a wad over that, the idiot chose to break the law and now he's wasted the courts time. In my opinion he should have all his firearms confiscated and never be allowed to own firearms again in his lifetime and I would expect the same treatment if I broke the laws concerning firearms.

You follow the law in the state in which you live, no big deal. If you own firearms you MUST know the laws.

The idiots that follow the NRA, and Trump supporters have no reason to be pissed off.

I find it amusing you get a big kick out of it.

This country has so many laws on the books concerning firearms that are not enforced and yet many idiots are hoping to get more worthless bans and laws on the books.

Once again if you feel safer by some of the idiotic rulings and seeing high courts time wasted by cases such as this......Good for you :-)