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Topic subjectRE: Can some of you patriots justify this?
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182049, RE: Can some of you patriots justify this?
Posted by jmc, Mon Apr-05-10 09:28 PM
"Makes you wonder how much that goes on we never hear about."

I believe there's much more that goes on that we don't hear
than what we DO hear about. It's our own fault, really...we're sheep-people...all of us...too busy with our own lives...too ignorant to understand what's going on...or too scared (myself included) to make waves. We watch what happens to anyone who complains or heaven-forbid,
challenges what's going on, and we slink back into our holes like the cowards we are. Nothing is going to change as long as we allow our leaders to get away with what they do...Republicans and Democrats. They're all alike. And WE are all alike. Makes me want to puke...

The only thing people care about anymore is who posted on thier Facebook page. OH, and what you can do with an IPAD. The Information AGE = too much information and nobody really gives a shit about any of it.