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Forum nameThe Computer Forum
Topic subjectRE: Dell/Firearms flap makes the Wall Street Journal
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42143, RE: Dell/Firearms flap makes the Wall Street Journal
Posted by Myk, Sun Mar-03-02 01:18 PM
"Dell is free to implement any screening policy they want"

That says it all doesn't it. Dell is just as free as you or I to do business how the want to. If you or I don't agree with their practice we are free not to buy from them.

What Dell is doing by definition is discrimination. By law it is not (at least not until a court says it is). So you would rather take away Dell's freedom and every other business' freedom because you perceive a threat.

What you end up with is a govt who forces a business to do business with you and you being forced to do business with them. Is that what you want?

Or are you being a hypocrite and only want the freedoms for yourself?

I would rather have the right to boycott Dell on the basis that what they are doing is discrimination and morally that is wrong. And leave them with the right to run their business the way they want to while I'm left with the freedom to not do business with who I want to.

(edit) And I'm not talking about applying their discriminatory word list as screening. I'm talking about the screening they do because someone get's flagged by the list. Dump the list and screen them all if that's what they want to do.(/edit)