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360750, posting a reply
Posted by macklin, Sun Apr-17-05 02:15 AM
why dont you put the original post and all replies in the same column, ie if I reply I can read all the previous posts without going to the process of backwards and forewards and remembering all that has been said.

I hope you understand what I mean

thank you

john Macklin
360751, RE: posting a reply
Posted by Doc, Sun Apr-17-05 02:17 AM
That is a great suggestion. I don't know why no one has thought of it earlier.

I second the suggestion.

- Jeff
360753, RE: posting a reply
Posted by Ttech, Sun Apr-17-05 02:23 AM
At the top of the forum listing look for Collapse Topics. If it is there, click on it.
360754, RE: posting a reply
Posted by Shelly, Sun Apr-17-05 02:28 AM
It never ceases to amaze me that so many people have used this forum for years without realizing that they can easily configure it to their liking.
360779, RE: posting a reply
Posted by macklin, Sun Apr-17-05 10:31 AM
thanks for replies.

I clicked collapse topics but it appears to be the same as view all.
and threaded mode.
Perhaps I did not explain correctly. I meant when I open up the box for my reply all the previous replies are underneath that box so that I can see them and then scroll up/down to my reply. IE as I am typing this out.

It no doubt appears simple and amazing to those with exceedingly more experience than I, however I am on limited time, and consequently cannot afford to spend possibly hours looking for something that may not exist, hence my asking the above question.

Thank you

John Macklin
360797, RE: posting a reply
Posted by Ttech, Sun Apr-17-05 01:12 PM
>Perhaps I did not explain correctly. I meant when I open up
>the box for my reply all the previous replies are underneath
>that box so that I can see them and then scroll up/down to my
>reply. IE as I am typing this out.

The only workaround I know for this is to right-click on Reply and choose Open In New Window. Then you can reference the thread in one window, and compose your reply in another.
360959, RE: posting a reply
Posted by Grogan, Mon Apr-18-05 02:58 PM
That's probably the safest way. Beware using Back/Forward while writing a post, especially using IE. Sometimes, when you come back to your composition window everything you typed in the form can be gone. At least that used to happen to me quite frequently when I used IE and I would often forget not to do that. I can't recall this ever happening to me with Mozilla based browsers but even still I'm careful. If I'm composing a really long post, I'll sometimes paste the contents of the form into a text editor periodically so I don't lose my thoughts if something happens.

P.S. I'd better mention that you don't ever want to have two pcqanda composition windows open at the same time. If you do, the forum script will just silently drop your post when you submit it. It's a safety feature, but catches too many people unaware.
360963, RE: posting a reply
Posted by Hank52, Mon Apr-18-05 03:10 PM
How true,.. How true, Grogan.

It really Pisses me off when I have a One or Two Paragraph reply, only to find out that it didn't Post and I forgot to Copy / Paste it to Notepad just in case this very thing happened.

Ken: x(
360964, RE: posting a reply
Posted by dbahn, Mon Apr-18-05 03:12 PM

>P.S. I'd better mention that you don't ever want to have two
>pcqanda composition windows open at the same time. If you do,
>the forum script will just silently drop your post when you
>submit it. It's a safety feature, but catches too many people

That sure caught me unaware, and explains a past problem I've had with posts. Is it only the composition window that does that? What if you open another browser window and use one for reviewing information and the other to reply? Is that exactly the same as the right click "Open in New Window" reply mentioned above?
360967, RE: posting a reply
Posted by Grogan, Mon Apr-18-05 03:52 PM
>That sure caught me unaware, and explains a past problem I've
>had with posts. Is it only the composition window that does
>that? What if you open another browser window and use one for
>reviewing information and the other to reply? Is that
>exactly the same as the right click "Open in New
>Window" reply mentioned above?

Yep, it's only a composition window that does that. It shouldn't otherwise happen if you just have multiple forum windows open. (or tabs, depending on your browser interface). Alway remember, only one dcforum composition form can be opened on your computer at the same time. It doesn't matter what method you use if you take care not to do that.
360969, RE: posting a reply
Posted by KJT, Mon Apr-18-05 03:54 PM
Yes, it's only the "composition window" that does it.

BTW, you can hit "ctrl + n" once you're reading a topic but before opening a post window - that is, before clicking on "Reply" or "Reply with quote" to get a duplicate forum page to open for review purposes.

360973, RE: posting a reply
Posted by dbahn, Mon Apr-18-05 04:17 PM
OK, I'm doing this in a second composition window. I'm dying to see what happens.


What happens is that the first post (above) does go through, but the second post in a simultaneously opened window didn't.
360977, RE: posting a reply
Posted by Grogan, Mon Apr-18-05 04:36 PM
That would make sense, as it would most often be the second one that people submit (because usually they've forgotten about the first, or gotten side tracked and decide to post another)

It's rudimentary flood protection to prevent people from spawning multiple forms and posting simultaneously.
360985, RE: posting a reply
Posted by Shelly, Mon Apr-18-05 05:11 PM
I've been caught a few times losing a post by hitting the back button. For some reason it doesn't always happen, but to play it safe I put the post on the clipboard as a precaution. I didn't know it was an IE problem rather than just a bug in the script.
360989, RE: posting a reply
Posted by Grogan, Mon Apr-18-05 05:47 PM
I think that trusting such transient data that only exists in some program's buffer in memory, is generally playing with fire regardless. I do find things like the back/forward history and specifically the contents of forms to be much more reliable in mozilla/firefox though.

I'll add that it's similar to typing up a long document in a word processor and neglecting to save it until you are done or not at all with the intent to only type and print it. Many users learn that lesson the hard way (hence the need for "autosaves" to be enabled by default)
360987, RE: posting a reply
Posted by Grogan, Mon Apr-18-05 05:43 PM
This is just a test to see if it is affected by a composition window open on another computer on the LAN. (NAT is being used here)

Edit: And it's not (I wasn't really expecting it to be but had to test because that would have been friggenawful) :-)
361072, RE: posting a reply
Posted by antcj, Tue Apr-19-05 04:47 AM

Using Mozilla ,ctrl key and hit reply , new window appears
easy peasy

361120, RE: posting a reply
Posted by Pauliez, Tue Apr-19-05 08:03 PM
Easy Peasy? Cute.
360800, RE: posting a reply
Posted by therube, Sun Apr-17-05 01:20 PM
On the odd occasion that I reply to a message, I always open the reply in a new window.
That way I can just jump back (Alt-Tab) to the original window for quick reference.
360788, RE: posting a reply
Posted by Doc, Sun Apr-17-05 12:10 PM
Ttech and Shelly,

You misunderstood what Macklin is trying to say.

When you click the reply button, you can't see the thread with all the messages in that thread up to this point. So, if you want to reference something in another reply, you have to click the back button and find that information, and then click forward to continue writing your reply. Do that four or five times; and, you get sick of it pretty quick.

You can hit "Reply with quote" but that only shows you the reply that you are directly replying to.

It would be far easier if the complete history of the thread is shown on the reply screen. I have seen other forum sites do this.

"It never ceases to amaze me that so many people have used this forum for years without realizing that they can easily configure it to their liking." - Shelly

Shelly, it never ceases to amaze me how arrogant you are, how you like to jump to conclusions without fully trying to understand something, and how you think you know everything and are never wrong. You have a vast amount of knowledge, Shelly. And, you help a lot of people. I will grant you those things and even thank you for them. But, you come off so arrogant sometimes. Your status on this board doesn't give you the right to act like that.

- Jeff
360794, RE: posting a reply
Posted by Darren, Sun Apr-17-05 12:41 PM
That's Shelly. That's his demeanor. That's his tone of voice. That's what makes Shelly unique. Board ststus doesn't have anything to do with it. Most here know he doesn't mean anything by it. Why do you take it so personal? Shelly does know most everything. He is wise. He has been tinkering with computers before alot of us were shitting yellow. We all mis-read post sometimes. We are all human and make mistakes. Have you ever made a mistake before, Jeff? Have you ever misunderstood a post? The original poster didn't really convey their message in an easily understood way. We are not mind readers here. We are here to help the best way we can. Deal with it or move on.

>Shelly, it never ceases to amaze me how arrogant you are, how
>you like to jump to conclusions without fully trying to
>understand something, and how you think you know everything
>and are never wrong. You have a vast amount of knowledge,
>Shelly. And, you help a lot of people. I will grant you
>those things and even thank you for them. But, you come off
>so arrogant sometimes. Your status on this board doesn't give
>you the right to act like that.
>- Jeff

360795, RE: posting a reply
Posted by Doc, Sun Apr-17-05 12:49 PM
Shelly's demanor needs work. He makes these types of statements far too often. I have quite a bit of knowledge too. Admittedly,I do not have as much as Shelly. But, around where I live, I am known as quite knowledgeable. Yes, there are some that know more than me where I live. But, do you know why people come to me over someone with more knowledge? Because, I listen and try to understand what people are saying. I don't make assumptions on little or perhaps confusing information. And most of all, I give people information in complete, and easily understood chunks. I also don't rush through an explanation. I am patient. I also admit when I am wrong. And, if I don't know the answer, I tell them I don't know and say I will do my best to find out. Shelly should take some lessons from me because the approach he takes offends people and turns some away from here. Is that what we want?

- Jeff
360809, RE: posting a reply
Posted by Pauliez, Sun Apr-17-05 02:08 PM
It is amazing how easy it is to forget the principle subject and get into forum members personalities. Doing that could easily cause those who need serious PC help to avoid the great help this forum has to offer. Lets stick to the principle.
360810, RE: posting a reply
Posted by Doc, Sun Apr-17-05 02:13 PM
I am just asking that we do that with respect to those that need the help and not reply with an answer, that may not answer the question, because we don't understand the question being asked.

- Jeff
360823, RE: posting a reply
Posted by Shelly, Sun Apr-17-05 04:45 PM
I feel no need to defend myself to you. I assure you I am far to old to care what anyone thinks of me anymore, and I don't need anyones permission to speak my mind. If you find that offensive, my (real) name is at the top of all my posts, just avoid reading them in the future. Long ago I stopped suffering fools gladly.
360825, RE: posting a reply
Posted by Doc, Sun Apr-17-05 04:49 PM
Then you don't care how people view this website. You imprint yourself largely in here because of the sheer number of posts you make.

- Jeff
360831, RE: posting a reply
Posted by Horatio, Sun Apr-17-05 05:05 PM
"why dont you put the original post and all replies in the same column, ie if I reply I can read all the previous posts without going to the process of backwards and forewards and remembering all that has been said.

I hope you understand what I mean"

I understand exactly what you mean John..It is a feature that is available on pretty well every other forum I post on.. The feature would help to prevent the sort of half assed replies all of us occasionally make to questions people ask. But I doubt the forum script could be changed to implement it now.

As for Shelly's demeanor: it pisses me off at times too.

But, because of his immense knowlege, and willingness to share it with anyone who cares to ask almost 24 hours a day 7 days a week for free, I cut him as much slack as he wants..
And we (the computer help forum) need him more than he needs us.

360835, RE: posting a reply
Posted by Doc, Sun Apr-17-05 05:14 PM
I don't cut him slack when he makes purposely offensive remarks about people.

He has an incredible knowledge of the industry. I will grant him that. But, that doesn't forgive him for making these remarks about people. It not only hurts his character but also this forum.

- Jeff
360856, RE: posting a reply
Posted by Horatio, Sun Apr-17-05 06:03 PM
>I don't cut him slack when he makes purposely offensive
>remarks about people.
>He has an incredible knowledge of the industry. I will grant
>him that. But, that doesn't forgive him for making these
>remarks about people. It not only hurts his character but
>also this forum.
>- Jeff

no doubt you're right Jeff, but it is really a moot point though, because Shelly doesn't give a rat's ass what anyone thinks about his demeanor..It is unlikely he will will be enrolling himself in any social etiquette night school classes in the near future..

Like I said before, this is a computer help forum; we need him, so we take him with his knowlege and his faults just like everyone else here. All in all, we are lucky to have him..

360857, RE: posting a reply
Posted by Doc, Sun Apr-17-05 06:05 PM
He could make an effort.

- Jeff
360861, RE: posting a reply
Posted by jea, Sun Apr-17-05 06:50 PM
"......he makes purposely offensive
remarks about people."

??? I don't recall Shelly doing this.
Get over it and get on with the suject; I agree with what Pauliez said....."It has gotten to the point that it has nothing to do with PCs".
360904, RE: posting a reply
Posted by jazz4free, Mon Apr-18-05 01:52 AM
The very first time I posted here, the Sox had just kicked Yankee ass in last year's unforgetable Championship Series, and, mainly because I'd had a few pops, I thought I'd share my jubulation with you good people.

I proferred several over-the-top remarks -- I seem to recall mentioning something about George Steinbrenner's mother.

Shelly greeted me with an extremely caustic yet observant and accurate remark on my state of enebriation and therefore my inability to articulate beyond the level of a chimpanzee.

Great stuff!

You've gotta be well intentioned, Doc -- but relax. This stuff sells soap.

360858, RE: posting a reply
Posted by Pauliez, Sun Apr-17-05 06:23 PM
Is it possible for a moderator to put this posting in the "Off Topic Lounge". It has gotten to the point that it has nothing to do with PCs. Please.
360872, RE: posting a reply
Posted by LilJoe, Sun Apr-17-05 09:20 PM
No leave it alone,I think it is comical.:-)
360875, RE: posting a reply
Posted by Pauliez, Sun Apr-17-05 10:28 PM
360905, RE: posting a reply
Posted by jazz4free, Mon Apr-18-05 02:07 AM
The word is "entertaining," LilJoe, the stuff mini-series are made of...

There's nothing more compelling than a good old fight out in the parking lot.
360896, RE: posting a reply
Posted by dodgeram, Mon Apr-18-05 12:43 AM
If I understand the question correctly, you might try this: Click on "view in linear mode" at the top of the opening page. This, om my computer, shows all replies at the same time. All that is needed is to scroll down the page.
360898, RE: posting a reply
Posted by Doc, Mon Apr-18-05 12:49 AM
He wants to see the responses in the thread on the same screen while writing a reply to the thread. It doesn't work that way. But, it is a great idea.

- Jeff
360993, RE: posting a reply
Posted by Doc, Mon Apr-18-05 06:09 PM
I think what would solve the whole problem is if the forum could be changed to show the complete thread on the same screen as the compose form. Can that be done?

- Jeff
360996, RE: posting a reply
Posted by Grogan, Mon Apr-18-05 06:25 PM
>I think what would solve the whole problem is if the forum
>could be changed to show the complete thread on the same
>screen as the compose form. Can that be done?

Can it be done? Yes, somebody could certainly do it. Will it be done? Not very likely, it would require a serious rewrite of code to accomodate it. So the practical answer is no.
361054, RE: posting a reply
Posted by Doc, Tue Apr-19-05 01:01 AM
Fair enough. Practicality is a key factor too.

- Jeff
361175, RE: posting a reply
Posted by Paragon Mage, Wed Apr-20-05 02:28 AM
>>I think what would solve the whole problem is if the forum
>>could be changed to show the complete thread on the same
>>screen as the compose form. Can that be done?
>Can it be done? Yes, somebody could certainly do it. Will it
>be done? Not very likely, it would require a serious rewrite
>of code to accomodate it. So the practical answer is no.

I never saw the code for this particular board, but wouldn't it just require an extra SQL query with a for loop to go through the 10 last topics in DESC order?

I'm working on forum software myself, and I'll probably add that feature so I can always let you know how easy/hard it was to do. The query would probably look like this (obviously the table name/fields are wrong but just need to be substituted)

SELECT * FROM posttable where topic_id=360750 ORDER BY post_date DESC LIMIT 10

360750 would be whatever topic ID is being replied to, since it would have to be a variable somewhere for that instance since it has to be plugged in the form somehow for the reply to go to the right topic.

Then you'd run a for loop with a mysql_fetch_array and that routine.
361009, RE: posting a reply
Posted by Pauliez, Mon Apr-18-05 07:21 PM
Doc, I think am doing what you want to do right now. I have a shortcut for pcqanda on my task bar. I double click on it to bring up two pages of pcqanda. I shrink one page so that it takes up the left half of my screen. Then I shrink the second page of pcqanda to take up the right side of my screen. I scroll down the left side to a posting that I want to make a reply and on the right side of my screen I scroll down to the same posting and hit reply. I now have the posting visible on the left and the reply page on the right. I can now reply to the posting without using the back button. Hope you understand what I am doing.
361053, RE: posting a reply
Posted by Doc, Tue Apr-19-05 01:01 AM
Yep, I understand what you are doing.

I just wonder if a divide horizontally would be better (window at the top and a window at the bottom). That way you don't have to scroll left and right very much.

- Jeff
361068, RE: posting a reply
Posted by Pauliez, Tue Apr-19-05 03:07 AM
Six of one, half of a dozen of another!
361125, RE: posting a reply
Posted by emes, Tue Apr-19-05 08:31 PM
>Six of one, half of a dozen of another!

I duel with a dual monitor system :+ , and just click reply 'open in new window' (on monitor 2) and make the post, whilst still being able to scroll through all replies on monitor 1.

Of course you can do this on one monitor by using 'Tile windows' from the task bar.

Just repeat the process for editing your post or continuing on with replies -keep the primary page (or split screen window)'refreshed' so that you see your reply/edit, and those of others.

Now to a question with much relevance to slow dial ups! x(

Is there a way when dealing with long threads, to go direct to a new post (possibly your own 'just posted' reply) without having to scroll to the bottom of the thread after a very time consuming 'refresh' of the whole page?

And while considering the possibilities inherent in browser memory - is there a fast way of only refreshing the currently displayed full thread replies page, from the server end, with 'new material only', rather than downloading the whole thread again?

If these could be combined together; - you would have the whole thread displayed - then make your post - refresh the page and see your posted/or other last element to the thread on screen (almost instantly, because you only downloaded subsequent posts) , & without scrolling! and yes I will have a neck & shoulder rub as well please :-)
361134, RE: posting a reply
Posted by KJT, Tue Apr-19-05 09:43 PM
>Is there a way when dealing with long threads

I'm on dialup so I've experienced what you have described with long threads.

I usually read the Forum topics from the "New" messages link. My work around for long threads is to go to the specific Forum and click on the + sign in front of the specific topic. This will expand the messages so that I can click on only the newest replies.

I'm not sure but you may have to adjust your preferences to get the + sign. My preference is set to the NON-Classic view, and the NON-Linear mode.


PS: You have DUAL monitors, unless they really are fighting with each other. LOL
361168, RE: posting a reply
Posted by emes, Wed Apr-20-05 01:21 AM

>PS: You have DUAL monitors, unless they really are fighting with each other. LOL<

No the monitors are OK - they just reflect the real war going on between the other components of the system which seem to spend most of their energy deciding who is boss ( it isn't me thats for sure!)

I set it all up nicely and come back in the morning expecting anything - and thats what I usually get! :+
361136, RE: posting a reply
Posted by therube, Tue Apr-19-05 09:58 PM
"Is there a way when dealing with long threads, to go direct to a new post (possible your own 'just posted' reply) without having to scroll to the bottom of the thread after a very time consuming 'refresh' of the whole page?"


I happened to have fallen into that trap just the other day.
Hated it.

Mess around with the forum settings.
I'm not sure how I ended up like that, but I sure did not like it.