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Forum nameThe Computer Forum
Topic subjectRE: how's my site?
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3572, RE: how's my site?
Posted by guest, Fri Dec-21-01 02:25 AM
Thanks everyone for the input. I'll work on a simpler logo and I think I will consider just keeping it 2D since now that you mention it, it is hard to read. And for the text color, what do you think would be better? Orange for all text (white for links), blue or yellow? I'm not sure. I know that white is hard since it's the complete oposite of black so it's a big inverse which is flashy (like people who write tests with pink or yellow hilighters!) For the software descriptions, I think I should spend more time to think of how to explain it too I guess. Did anyone try on some of my software by chance? I just hope I'm at least making usefull stuff! I'm not quite done trasferring but things are getting there.
