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Forum nameThe Computer Forum
Topic subjectRE: Extra Web Page Loading
Topic URL
336784, RE: Extra Web Page Loading
Posted by KJT, Thu Dec-02-04 10:12 PM
The closest symptom I can find in the MS Knowledgebase deals with opening a blank page from an Outlook Express linked site but not a blank second page.

Anyway, here is what is suggested:

To resolve this problem in Internet Explorer, follow these steps:

1. Quit all programs that are running.
2. Click Start, and then click Run.
3. Type regsvr32 urlmon.dll, and then click OK.
4. When you receive the "DllRegisterServer in urlmon.dll succeeded" message, click OK.

If this does not resolve the problem, repeat steps 2 through 4 for each of the following files (in step 3, replace Urlmon.dll with each of the file names below): • Shdocvw.dll
• Msjava.dll
• Actxprxy.dll
• Oleaut32.dll
• Mshtml.dll
• Browseui.dll
• Shell32.dll (Windows XP and Windows 2000 only)

If the problem is still not resolved, verify that the following registry values are present and correct:

Name: (Default)
Value: IDispatch

Name: (Default)
Value: {00020420-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}

Name: (Default)
Value: {00020420-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}

If the problem is still not resolved, reinstall Internet Explorer. If you are using the version of Internet Explorer that is included with your operating system, reinstall or repair your operating system.

So, give it a try and good luck!
