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Forum nameThe Computer Forum
Topic subjectRE: glass ceiling
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83196, RE: glass ceiling
Posted by vietvet69, Sun May-26-02 05:22 PM
>Just to briefly BT (back-topic!) the OT:
>I wonder if Karen or any other female geeks view it as a
>generally "level playing field"? i have to say that i
>don't know any to ask, but then i'm not in that business.
>Computers- breaking the barriers in yet another aspect of

Sophie, you are so right. I'm amazed that I got so many responses to this post, which was just an idle thought. I think you hit the nail on the head, when you said that the technology has leveled the playing field. If a woman wants to roll her sleeves up and get her hands dirty, she can go for it. Male assholeness won't get in the way. Somebody in an earlier post referred to HP's CEO (can't remember her name offhand, but she's sure a good example), and I know there are others...there's a lady in Australia who's the CEO of a competitive company...can't remember it's name either, 'cause the Althzheimer's is kicking in, but I think the point has been made. If one of my daughter's showed an inclination to be a mover and shaker in the computer industry, I'd advise her to go for holds barred!
