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Forum nameThe Computer Forum
Topic subjectRE: glass ceiling
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83170, RE: glass ceiling
Posted by Ranger Bob, Sat May-25-02 04:29 AM
I work in the computer industry and yes it is still a problem. My VP is a female and my Director is a female but you don't see any females above these levels. For the past 15 years most of my Managers and Supervisors have been women but it seems that they can only go so high and then they hit the glass ceiling.

My wife took a buy out from our company after 15 years in the industry about 9 years ago. She was what was termed a rising star in the company but after years of 80 to 120 hour work weeks it just got to be to much for her and she decided she would rather stay at home with the kids. She would not go back to work in the IT industry now for any amount of money.

Something that they don't teach you in college about the IT industry is the amount of overtime that is required and cost to your personal life. If you are looking for a 9 to 5 job and 40 hour weeks then IT is not for you. If you do get away from the office then you always have that beeper strapped to your belt that really does not allow you any real freedom from the job.

As a side note we average at least one heart attack a week in my building which houses only 2000 employees. The EMT's refer to our company as the Heart Attack Hotel. I lost a co-worker last weekend who was only 44 years old.

Ranger Bob -- AKA Bobby