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Forum nameThe Computer Forum
Topic subjectRE: Windows 8 Beta
Topic URL
540765, RE: Windows 8 Beta
Posted by MSU, Fri Mar-02-12 05:01 AM
Well I finally decided to take the time to install it. For some reason the installation was being really finicky as a VM in both Windows Virtual PC and Oracle Virtual Box (had no trouble at all when I installed the developer preview).

I had an old 80GB hard drive laying around. So I said screw it, unplugged all my other drives (being extra cautious) and threw that old drive in.

So here I am, posting from IE10 in Win8. Can't wait to take that old drive back out and plugged my other drives back in :lol:

edit: Oh my lord...they want you to sign in to Xbox Live to play Solitaire :lol: (you don't have to though)

edit 2: Well that was I'm done :lol: I saw nothing to change my mind from what I saw in the developer preview. The only real difference I saw interface wise was that to pull up the settings box, instead of putting your cursor down in the left corner, you put in down in the right corner. Ooooo...