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Forum nameThe Computer Forum
Topic subjectRE: Ubuntu 7.10 - Gustsy Gibbon is Here
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464778, RE: Ubuntu 7.10 - Gustsy Gibbon is Here
Posted by wteo, Tue Oct-23-07 03:48 AM
Thanks, Al and Grogan. Your explanation always clarifies things for me. I appreciate your help.

I'll play with Gnome for a few more days and after coming back from a Connecticut trip, I'm going to be off to Botswania on an African safari, "shooting" the animals. (With a Nixon, not a rifle!) I'll install KDE after that.

No, I'm going to forget about the antivirus stuff!

Al, on the pdf file, the print is not as good, especially when it is printed in color. If it is in black and white, it is okay. Also, the Adobe Acrobat Pro font is very good, more polished and refined. The main thing, though, I can save as pdf and what is important. Thanks for your help on that, Al.

Today, I was entirely in Ubuntu. Did not use XP at all. I did have problem with music. Just could not get the sound, etc. I worked at it and finally managed to get 3 media players to play music - Beep, Listen and VLC. Since I use VLC a lot, that's great. I like Beep, too.



Mike, why not give it a try? It is a liveCD unless you choose to install it on the hard drive.