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Topic subjectRE: posting a reply
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361125, RE: posting a reply
Posted by emes, Tue Apr-19-05 08:31 PM
>Six of one, half of a dozen of another!

I duel with a dual monitor system :+ , and just click reply 'open in new window' (on monitor 2) and make the post, whilst still being able to scroll through all replies on monitor 1.

Of course you can do this on one monitor by using 'Tile windows' from the task bar.

Just repeat the process for editing your post or continuing on with replies -keep the primary page (or split screen window)'refreshed' so that you see your reply/edit, and those of others.

Now to a question with much relevance to slow dial ups! x(

Is there a way when dealing with long threads, to go direct to a new post (possibly your own 'just posted' reply) without having to scroll to the bottom of the thread after a very time consuming 'refresh' of the whole page?

And while considering the possibilities inherent in browser memory - is there a fast way of only refreshing the currently displayed full thread replies page, from the server end, with 'new material only', rather than downloading the whole thread again?

If these could be combined together; - you would have the whole thread displayed - then make your post - refresh the page and see your posted/or other last element to the thread on screen (almost instantly, because you only downloaded subsequent posts) , & without scrolling! and yes I will have a neck & shoulder rub as well please :-)