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Topic subjectRE: posting a reply
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360795, RE: posting a reply
Posted by Doc, Sun Apr-17-05 12:49 PM
Shelly's demanor needs work. He makes these types of statements far too often. I have quite a bit of knowledge too. Admittedly,I do not have as much as Shelly. But, around where I live, I am known as quite knowledgeable. Yes, there are some that know more than me where I live. But, do you know why people come to me over someone with more knowledge? Because, I listen and try to understand what people are saying. I don't make assumptions on little or perhaps confusing information. And most of all, I give people information in complete, and easily understood chunks. I also don't rush through an explanation. I am patient. I also admit when I am wrong. And, if I don't know the answer, I tell them I don't know and say I will do my best to find out. Shelly should take some lessons from me because the approach he takes offends people and turns some away from here. Is that what we want?

- Jeff