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Forum nameThe Computer Forum
Topic subjectRE: posting a reply
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360794, RE: posting a reply
Posted by Darren, Sun Apr-17-05 12:41 PM
That's Shelly. That's his demeanor. That's his tone of voice. That's what makes Shelly unique. Board ststus doesn't have anything to do with it. Most here know he doesn't mean anything by it. Why do you take it so personal? Shelly does know most everything. He is wise. He has been tinkering with computers before alot of us were shitting yellow. We all mis-read post sometimes. We are all human and make mistakes. Have you ever made a mistake before, Jeff? Have you ever misunderstood a post? The original poster didn't really convey their message in an easily understood way. We are not mind readers here. We are here to help the best way we can. Deal with it or move on.

>Shelly, it never ceases to amaze me how arrogant you are, how
>you like to jump to conclusions without fully trying to
>understand something, and how you think you know everything
>and are never wrong. You have a vast amount of knowledge,
>Shelly. And, you help a lot of people. I will grant you
>those things and even thank you for them. But, you come off
>so arrogant sometimes. Your status on this board doesn't give
>you the right to act like that.
>- Jeff