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Forum nameThe Computer Forum
Topic subjectRE: How the mighty have fallen?
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183072, RE: How the mighty have fallen?
Posted by randybedore, Fri Jan-10-03 03:40 PM
I've used the free ZA for over two years. Currently on 3.1.? Installed 9/9/2002. On a scale of 1-10, 1 the easiest, it is a 3 to use, and that if you have no troubles with it. In that way it affords some protection, some peace of mind. Two weeks ago I bought Norton firewall and have been trying to learn it. I bought it because I wanted a program that I owned and on CD with updates available, and because Finnie rated it as good for a novice, with the default settings affording reasonable protection and ease of use. I have found it anything but and am considering not using it and staying with ZA or trying Outpost.