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Forum nameThe Computer Forum
Topic subjectRE: How the mighty have fallen?
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183027, RE: How the mighty have fallen?
Posted by Grogan, Fri Jan-10-03 01:10 AM
As also holds true with Antivirus software, it's a moot point which software affords better protection, when it starts to cause problems on people's systems. Perhaps that is part of the reason why people are starting to embrace other software. Also, there simply are more decent choices now than there were previously and that probably has a lot to do with it.

Now, people use the term resources rather loosely. Seldom do they refer to those pre-allocated heaps in win9x that are involved in so many software problems. No, they generally mean memory and CPU usage when they say that, or more generally the feel of malaise and suffering and decline in responsiveness of the system. A smaller, lighter application that doesn't cause those problems uses "fewer resources".