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Topic subjectRE: Critical Update - MS VM
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172619, RE: Critical Update - MS VM
Posted by Darlene, Fri Dec-13-02 03:22 AM

I have a XP Java problem, I have a 2yr. old HP Pavilion Computer, Pentium 4, 128mg RDRAM, 1.4 GHz. It came installed with Windows Me, In August 2002, I had a major crash, I tried to reinstall Windows Me with the recovery disks, but then they couldn't find a cab file and it locked. That is when I pushed the button and had Windows XP installed professionally. They had a lot of problems and told me my computer was real touchy. When I brought it home, all the pages that I went to came up with I needed Java Virtual Machine. and sent me to Microsoft web site to get it. Well Microsoft was in a lawsuit and said they were no longer installing it, so I went to Sun Microsystems and downloaded it there. Well when Microsoft sent down there was an update for a patch for Java I thought that might be a problem and it was. My whole system crashed again. I was ready to take it back to the Computer Place that installed it, and during my sleepless night I thought of System Restore. It never worked on Windows Me, so I had no great expectations. Well it worked. I was so happy I disconnected Windows Update and knew I could never get sp1. Well there are a lot of hot fixes they had put on at the Computer Place, and after reading these forums I am glad I didn't. I don't think it will work with Roxio's Adaptec 5 which was installed because 4 was not compatible. I have uninstalled Java from my Add /Remove panel but they would not uninstall Java 2 Runtime; Environment,Sev 1.4.0 My Java is working better than ever, so I thought, maybe this was needed for Microsoft, because they wouldn't let me uninstall it no matter how I tried and they had settled their lawsuit. Now the problem. They are sending down 3 updates (I reconnected it), and one is for Java. Can I get it or do you think it will wreck my system again. My System Restore had not worked the last couple times I tried it, it was not even making restore points. Since then I stopped 6 programs from loading every time I started and it started making Restore Points again but I don't trust it. Would appreciate any help because Idon't think they want to see me at the Computer Place again, and I can't afford it anyhow. Buy the Way, I have downloaded the Virtual Machine 3805 from PCWorld, but not installed it. If thay is what Grey Falcon wanted.