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Forum nameThe Computer Forum
Topic subjectRE: OT: Autos question, Choosing between 2 cars.
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136937, RE: OT: Autos question, Choosing between 2 cars.
Posted by mealsh, Thu Sep-12-02 09:00 AM
You may have already looked at other alternatives and have narrowed the search to these two vehicles.If not, I would suggest you look at your nearest Subaru dealer. Several of their models fit the compact sedan you have in mind but offer a lot of options and sportiness you will like on a country road,not to mention the security of all wheel drive. Oh, and for about the same $$ as a toyota or Mazda. If you have to decide between the Toy and the Maz, go Toy, Mazda electronics leave something to be desired and have a higher recall rate than the Toyota.And since you are online use the websites and get the dealers in a mini price war for the sale. The dealer who listens to you is the one to trust. I just this when buying my jeep and shaved 2400$$$ off the web price bringing my total to 5200 below sticker! Enjoy your new ride whichever you pick!